Scalloped Picket Fence: A Classic, Defined Look

Make your home the most impressive house on the block with a scalloped picket fence from DIY Vinyl Products. Not only does a scalloped picket fence provide privacy and protection from outside elements, but the classic design also adds style and integrity to your property.

What is a Scalloped Picket Fence?

A scalloped picket fence spaces out panels of various sizes to create an arrangement that resembles the form of a scallop shell. By using shorter panels in the middle of the fencing section and gradually increasing panel height as you work your way to the posts on either end of the section, you can create a u-like shape that, when repeated throughout the entirety of the fence line, achieves an aesthetically pleasing design.

Designing Your Scalloped Fence

By combining function and style, a scalloped picket fence can often be the perfect solution for homeowners looking to define their space, increase privacy and protection, and add value to their home. If a scalloped fence sounds like the perfect solution for you, contact DIY Vinyl Products today to start customizing a fence that fits your wants and needs. Our friendly design assistants will help you choose everything from panel sizes and posts to caps and gates, so you can build a beautiful fence that fits your wants and needs.

Why wait any longer? Partner with DIY Vinyl Products today for all your vinyl fencing needs.

Choose Panels

Scalloped PicketScalloped Picket

6′ Wide Panels
Select Color & Height
* Posts not included – make sure you select your posts below!


Choose Posts

Blank PostBlank Post

Blank posts can be used on any fence project as a stand alone post.

Corner PostCorner Post

Choose the number of Corner Posts for your Scalloped Picket fence project.

End PostEnd Post

Choose the amount of end posts for your Scalloped Picket fence.

Line PostLine Post

Choose the number of Line Posts for your Scalloped Picket fence.

Three Way PostThree Way Post

A three way post lets you run your scalloped picket fence in three separate directions.


Choose Caps


Choose your cap style and the total number of caps.


Choose Gates


Choose your gate width and quantity.
